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Review: Orgasmic AF at Motley Bauhaus

Review by Greg Gorton

Orgasmic AF is a humorous look at sexuality and self-confidence, presented by the top Sexologist that Singapore has to offer. While the show itself is a little rough around the edges, there is so much to take from it both in terms of education and entertainment.

Dr Martha Tara Lee has over two decades of experience as a sexologist. She has toured the world as both student and teacher, has written four books on the topic and now has expanded her accomplishments by writing and performing a solo show. Dr Lee draws from her own sexual journey, her relationships, and her professional experiences to highlight what she thinks are the most important things we should know about sex. Her knowledge and wisdom ranges from the strictly clinical and into the fringe areas of Sex Magic and Orgasmic Yoga. While this is a highly educational show, her personal stories and delightfully self-deprecating humour makes it very entertaining.

Orgasmic AF contains music, dancing, audience interaction, QnAs, modest demonstrations, and many personal anecdotes. Dr Lee has an empathetic personality which allows the audience to open up in a room full of strangers about topics that, for many of us, are taboo. There is an infectious element to her enthusiasm for the topic and it would be quite easy to sit through much more than an hour simply to hear more of the stories the doctor has to tell. The show is augmented by the use of props, minor costume changes, and catchy music. Despite sometimes delving deep into the topic, it is a fast-paced show and the hour passes very quickly.

When it comes to writing for the stage, Dr Lee is still a beginner. Attempts to “liven” the show with little dance numbers, etc, come across as amateurish, but in a way that is endearing - for Dr Lee, failure to reach perfection is not only expected but to be celebrated as part of our journey. The show finds firmer footing as Lee tells the stories of her mother. It is clear that Lee has great stage presence, and only needs to better perfect the narrative structure of her production for something amazing to occur.

Orgasmic AF is a rough, positive look at sexuality, the common problems people face, and how our sexual lives can be improved with just a little more love and communication. Going into the show with an open mind and zero expectations will ensure a wonderful time to be had.

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