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Review: Masterpiece at Flow Studios

Review by Kate Gaul

“Masterpiece” made a splash at Sydney Fringe 2024. The season sold-out, awards were received. What next?   “Masterpiece” is in return season at Flow Studios as a prelude to an Adelaide Fringe debut at The Courtyard of Curiosities. Like the way of the best clowns this show has something for everyone.

The blurb invites us: “Welcome to the gallery. Enter two clowns who endeavour to complete the simplest of tasks: hang up a piece of art. What they didn’t plan on however, is an audience watching and a live musician scoring their every move.

How hard can it be?”  This show is non-verbal physical theatre performed by two theatrical wonders Will Bartolo and Rae Colquhoun-Fairweather accompanied by musician James Tarbotton.  Over the 55 minutes of the show there is time for some improvised audience interaction.  But don’t be fooled – this looks easy, maybe even loose, but this is a precise, tight and well-conceived and delivered show. That’s the joy of a great clown show – often the most superb moment passes in an instance.

A roller door lifts, and two monochromatic figures stand with a huge bubble wrapped canvas; arrows indicate which is way up – the big joke of course is that the signs come off and as the bubble wrap is removed something quite abstract is revealed. Part Laurel and Hardy; more than a pinch of Buster Keaton; and an oversupply of joi de vie, these performers are charmers. One relishes in the innocence of the characters but also the performers – these are professional artists, shapeshifters who give the gift of simplicity in a world over-supplied with complexity. And the audience love it!

Plot points to die for are the repetition of posh gallery music on live violin as the show gets off to a rocky start; the magical revelation of objects from behind the canvas including a clock with spinning hands stressing the rising stakes (this painting MUST be hung!); the lunch bell which signals a stop work and what happens next; a persistent alarm (who crossed over the gallery line!).  No-one will forget the Irish dance sequence – I say no more (you have to be there!). The musician also has a part to play – he’s a plain faced character who permits a laugh during some lunch break scrolling.  I would have loved a stronger musical element throughout – it can be a bit too whimsical and background - but when the wall hanging is reaching its zenith the music becomes heroic and that is fabulous. It drives the action; it could subvert the action too but maybe that is a component that can be developed in the future.

One nice touch is the incidental placing of a donkey on top of a short step ladder.  Is this Sancho Panza’s Donkey and these two humans representational of - on the one hand - common sense and humour to balance the idealism and imagination of the other?  Will and Rae are constantly shifting foils to each other which highlights the tension between the  fantasy and reality of life. Possible layers – great!   This is joyful, rigorous theatre! And the coup de theatre that ends the show? – well, “Masterpiece” is small jewel in the firmament of original work.  Recommended!!!

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