Review by Sophia Gilet
In the Foyer of The Actors' Hub the audience are all playing a game of Celebrity Heads, and it has you thinking long and hard about how many celebrities you actually know- I almost didn't guess my Celebrity, and even then it wasn't until after the show.
Love Light and Laughter starts with a row of chairs and a plain white wall at the back that features projections of moving quotes as the lights begin to dim.
The Actors walk on stage and we are introduced to Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Lee, Jason Mamoa, Micheal Hutchence, Winona Ryder, Kate Winslett, Adam DeVine and Denzel Washington
The performers not only look eerily similar to the celebrities they impersonate but also have done an excellent job portraying them - the execution of their voices and mannerisms make it very enjoyable to watch. The show is inspiring in that it shows just how human all these greats are - Denzel Washington to Bruce lee, they had heart break and laughter and love. The actors really honoured who they were portraying. This show is an excellent look at impersonations done right- Human, nuanced and true to the people being portrayed. There was not a wasted movement or sound.
The show was created so that in between changes inspirational quotes were projected onto the wall.
The only props were the chairs which they sat on, stood on, climbed over and carried. The show left me with newfound respect for everyone portrayed- the research has obviously been meticulous and bringing in a celebrity we all know and love is no easy task but lo and behold - before my eyes Jason Mamoa, Kate Winslet and many more were brought to life.
The show is also thought provoking and humorous, you leave feeling humbled by the people behind these Celebrities- It is often all to easy to only see their achievements and their award moments rather than the moments they felt smallest, most scared, vulnerable. To hear them speak of love and anger and revenge; it was gratifying to learn that even the greatest have moments of pettiness.
A celebration of life as you get to see the character that these amazing people posses. Their fortitude no matter the challenge and their shame and insecurities. I loved being able to hear the incredible origin story of Adam DeVine, The deep regret that Quentin carries, the total persistence of Denzel Washington, the unforgiving start to Bruce Lee's adult hood as well as a bringing a look behind Winnona's very public growing up, falling in love and consequent heartbreak.
If you go you will see these celebrities in a way that is rarely if ever revealed, collected from interviews , articles, songs and writings. A holistic look at the humanity, vulnerability and strength behind these greats that are often reduced to Click-baity articles and unflattering photos. The Director Amanda Crewes stated that “The accuracy of the actors makes this show a really enjoyable night out.” It is, and so much more. The Director and actors have worked together to create an uplifting show that reveals how human these people are and in doing so opens up the definition of a great person- It demystifies these celebrities and and brings them off the screens and articles into reality in Perth 2020.

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