Review By Hannah Fredriksson
I knew walking into The Main Space at The Blue Room Theatre that we were in for a good time. Onstage was a vision often seen in a grocery store; an Avocado and a Chilli sitting on a shelf beside their price tags. Unlike my local grocery store, this Avocado and Chilli were primping and posing, adjusting themselves to be as attractive as possible to their potential purchasers. Their flirty, exaggerated poses gave us a sense of the feminist themes of the show before it had even begun.
BITE ME is a show about some produce that just want to fulfil their purpose and be ‘chosen’, picked up and brought to the checkout to be purchased where they can begin to live their lives on the outside - the alternative is being discarded with the other expired items that have passed their prime.
Steak has had a glimpse of the ‘chosen’ life – she had been picked up by a customer, but they lazily put her back down on the wrong shelf. Outside of the fridge, no less! Fortunately she is in denial about her existence as a decaying piece of meat so she’s not too worried about it (yet).
About halfway through the show the products are labelled with expiry dates - essentially a death sentence as their visual aesthetic is tarnished and the clock ticks ever closer to close of business. Their desperation turns to hostility as they try and put each other down in order to be the first chosen.
The casting of this show is perfection – Tallulah Starkie portrays the bubbly, spiritual avocado named Ava, who engages in yoga to keep her mind positive and her body toned. She maintains the mantra that you must ‘manifest what you want’ and is desperate to finally be chosen by a strong man with a zero-waste attitude. Courtney Cavallaro plays Rudy the Chilli, a character that’s a little more jaded and bitter. She maintains a fairly flat voice and expression, and her movements are much more restrained which provides the perfect contrast to Tallulah’s exaggerated, committed performance as Ava. Caitlin McFeat completes the ensemble as Daisy the oblivious steak. Her awkwardness and optimism are delightful and endearing, even as she struggles to accept her reality that she will not be going home with her vegan suitor, Derek. The girls have amazing chemistry and each plays their part with exceptional comedic timing.
With a soundtrack including an appropriate amount of Spice Girls, the inclusion of some simple but humorous synchronised choreography makes for an energetic show that is on point from start to finish.
Sian Murphy has written a wonderful allegory for female self worth and the male gaze that feels very present in the here and now, right down to the references to Perth and the unique expiry dates they have printed for each show. Silly, sensual and with savage wit, BITE ME is a delightful romp that leaves you wondering how such a simple concept could be so meaningful.

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